
Sunday, 27 January 2013

My Weekend

We had a hectic weekend as Rob's little brother came to stay with us so we have been trying to keep him entertained for the last two days.  I hope we did but I think he was a little bored by the end.

After talking to my Mum about planning to get more organised this year I signed up to receive daily emails from about how to get your house and life more organised.  The daily emails just advise doing a little at a time but waking up to an email telling me the jobs to do on that day should keep me motivated.

I've also banned myself from starting any more projects until I finish the majority of the ones I am making at the moment.  I have quite terrible startitis and think the number of projects I have on-the-go at the moment is in double figures.  This was discovered when I found some great projects to make out of some of the wool sitting in my stash but then remembered that most of my knitting needles are currently in use.

I spent a lot of time over the exam time knitting the blue/green scarf for my friend and even learnt continental knitting to help speed up the 6ft garter stitch scarf and that is almost finished now.  I had done a few rows of another scarf I had been asked to make but I realised that would take forever so make so I unravelled it and started to crochet it instead using the pattern Joseph's Scarf by Cheryl Wilson which is much quicker and I have now almost completed.

Today, I managed to complete a little knitted toy robot that I had put aside incomplete as I was reluctant to do the icords for the arms, legs, and antenna but I felt like finishing something while I was sat with Rob's brother while he watched tv and played on Rob's ancient Xbox.  The pattern is Pocket-Sized Robot by Kat Lewinski.

I think making the icord headphone covers has mostly cured me of my dislike of knitting icords - oops I haven't finished making them either!

We started brewing beer again today.  This one is lager and the bucket is sat in the hall until I crochet a  mat for it to sit on so we can put it in the living room (the only room that stays warm).

I had the job of adding the hot water and stirring the mixture.

1 comment:

  1. You sound as though you are getting wonderfully organised. I love the little robot - great colours.
