
Friday, 8 June 2012

Happy Birthday, Bestie!

Oh dear I feel like Amy from The Big Bang Theory saying that - although she's the character my uni friends say I'm most like anyway.

Today is my Best Friend's 25th birthday.  I start my summer job on Monday so will see him every day but I wanted to give him his card and present early.

He was very good and didn't open it until today - I'm rarely that patient.

This is the card I made for him:

And here it is with his presents in little origami boxes:

We are both huge Lego fans so when I saw Lego cufflinks on Etsy I knew he would love them as he wears cufflinks to work - he is about the only person I know who wears cufflinks.

I also got him some old style lemon bon bons because who doesn't love sweeties?


  1. Please come over to my blog where there's something for you :)

  2. What a lovely card, hope he liked his presents.
