
Friday, 8 June 2012

Happy Birthday, Bestie!

Oh dear I feel like Amy from The Big Bang Theory saying that - although she's the character my uni friends say I'm most like anyway.

Today is my Best Friend's 25th birthday.  I start my summer job on Monday so will see him every day but I wanted to give him his card and present early.

He was very good and didn't open it until today - I'm rarely that patient.

This is the card I made for him:

And here it is with his presents in little origami boxes:

We are both huge Lego fans so when I saw Lego cufflinks on Etsy I knew he would love them as he wears cufflinks to work - he is about the only person I know who wears cufflinks.

I also got him some old style lemon bon bons because who doesn't love sweeties?

Monday, 4 June 2012

Titus the Barn Owl Pattern

I have always loved barn owls and I’ve been looking for a good barn owl pattern for a while but none of the patterns I saw were what I wanted to make.  When I saw Stacey Trock’s Design Week idea I was inspired to start designing this barn owl rather than put it off any longer.

He got his name from the scientific name for barn owl – Tyto Alba.  Although every time I think about the name I just think of the explorer nicknamed ‘Titus’ (Lawrence Oates) on Scott’s mission to the South Pole who said the famous line: “I am just going outside and may be some time”.

The pattern can also be downloaded as a PDF here

The body and head are made as one piece then the face, tummy, and feet are sewn on.

·         3 mm crochet hook.
·         Double Knitting or Worsted wool in the following colours:
o   Tan.
o   White.
o   Straw (for the feet and beak).
·         6mm Safety eyes (or black thread to sew eyes).
·         Stitch Markers.
·         Tapestry needle.
·         Stuffing.

Pattern:                    (English terms used)
Note: dec = dc 2 together, inc = dc 2 in 1 stitch.

Head and Body 

(Starting at the top of the head)

Tan wool

Row 1:  dc 6 in a magic ring.                                                      (6 stitches)
Row 2: inc around.                                                                    (12 stitches)
Row 3: (dc, inc) around.                                                             (18 stitches)
Row 4: (dc, dc, inc) around.                                                       (24 stitches)
Row 5-8:  dc around.                                                                 (24 stitches)
Row 9: (dc 2, dec) around.                                                        (18 stitches)
Row 10-11:  dc around.                                                             (18 stitches)
Row 12: (dc 2, inc) around.                                                        (24 stitches)
Row 13-17: dc around.                                                              (24 stitches)
Row 18:  (dc 10, dec) around                                                    (22 stitches)
Row 19-20:  dc around.                                                             (22 stitches)
Row 21: (dc 9, dec) around.                                                       (20 stitches)
Row 22: dc around.                                                                   (20 stitches)
Row 23: (dc 8, dec) around.                                                       (18 stitches)
Row 24: In back loops only (dec, dc) around.                             (12 stitches)
Stuff body at this point
Row 25: decrease until hole is closed.  Fasten off and sew in ends.


Note: ‘tr inc’ is 2 trebles in the same stitch

White wool

Row 1:  dc 6 in a magic ring.                                                      (6 stitches)
Row 2: inc around.                                                                    (12 stitches)
Row 3: ch1, dc1, tr inc, (1 tr, 1 dc) in next dc, sl st into next 2 dc, 1 ch, 1 dc, 1 ch, sl st into next 2 dc, (1 dc, 1 tr) in next st, tr inc, 1 dc, sl st into next st, sl st into 1st dc.
Row 4: 1 ch, 1 dc in next 2 sts, inc in next 2 sts, 1 dc, sl st into next 2 sl sts, sl st into ch, 1 ch, 1 dc, 1 ch, sl st into ch, sl st into next 2 sl st, 1 dc, inc in next 2 sts, dc in next 2 sts, sl st into sl st.  Fasten off leaving long tail to sew.


Starting at bottom edge

White wool

Row 1: ch 6
Row 2: turn, dc in 2nd chain from loop and every chain to end, turn.
Row 3-7: ch, dc across, turn.                   (5 stitches)
Rows 8: ch, dc, inc, dc, inc, dc, turn.         (7 stitches)
Row  9-10 : ch, dc across, turn.              (7 stitches)
Row 11: ch, dc, dec, dc, dec, dc, turn.     (5 stitches)
Row 12: ch, dc across, turn                     (5 stitches)
Row 13: ch, dec, dc, dec, turn.                (3 stitches)
Row 14: ch, dc 3 together.  Finish off leaving long tail to sew.

Wings  (make 2)

Tan wool

Row 1: 6 dc in a magic ring.                                                       (6 stitches)
Row 2: (dc, inc) around.                                                             (9 stitches)
Row 3: dc around.                                                                     (9 stitches)
Row 4: (2 dc, inc) around.                                                          (12 stitches)
Row 5: (3 dc, inc) around.                                                          (15 stitches)
Row 6: dc around.                                                                     (15 stitches)
Row 7: (3 dc, dec).                                                                    (12 stitches)
Row 8: dc around.                                                                     (12 stitches)
Row 9: dc around.                                                                     (12 stitches)
Row 10: (2 dc, dec) around.                                                       (9 stitches)
Row 11: dc around.                                                                   (9 stitches)
Row 12: (dc, dec) around.                                                          (6 stitches)
Row 13: dc around.                                                                   (6 stitches)
Row 14: dec around.                                                                 (3 stitches)
Fasten off leaving tail to sew to body.

Feet      (make 2)

Straw wool

4 ch, ss into first chain, (4 ch, ss into same chain) repeat two times.

Making Up

Stuff the body and head. 
Put safety eyes on face and sew a few stitches on using straw yarn to form the beak.  Sew face onto the head.
Flatten the wings and sew onto the body.
Sew the feet onto the body.

Happy 1st Birthday Blog!

Wow it doesn't feel like I've been blogging for a whole year.  In that time I've crocheted lots, written patterns, and (most surprisingly) people have made the things I've designed.  I've made lots of bloggy friends who have made me feel loved and like my post are not just rambles.

Today I'm finally getting around to publishing the pattern for Titus the Barn Owl - thanks to my Mum for checking the pattern for me.

Friday, 1 June 2012

FO Friday - Tetris Blanket

I really can't believe it is all done but I finished crocheting the border this morning.

I started it on the 28th of January and my predicted finishing date was the 14th of August (based on 1 a day) but as I was crocheting a lot more towards the end I managed to bring the date forward.

200 squares later this is how it looks:

I'm thrilled by how it looks and it was good fun working on such a large project.  Also it did require the best spreadsheet in the world to keep it organised but I love Excel so it was ok.

Quick Mention - The Journey Man

One of my uni friends has just started a blog about Software Development and other stuff he is interested in called 'The Journey Man':

I can't wait to read more of his posts - I love his chatty style of blogging.