
Friday, 28 October 2011

FO Friday - Halloween preparation and another Robot

I managed to get some projects finished today so here they are:
Bopbot by Nelly Pailloux
Technically it doesn't have the mouth on it yet but it's basically finished.

Also I managed to get this little cutie made:
Boo the Ghost by Leigh Cain
 It was so quick and easy to make.

On a completely unrelated subject, my Dad sent me this link which I found quite interesting:
and found out that when I was born I was the 5,399,600,088th person alive on earth.


  1. So cute! Do you have Nelly Pailloux's book, "Crobots: 20 amigurumi robots to make"? The top picture reminded me a bit of Bopbot. What yarn did you use?

  2. I love them both - I still haven't got round to making a robot yet - one day I will!!

  3. Hi Craftgirl the purple and the white are Robin DK I think (or Bonus DK) and the lovely black one is King Cole Wicked. Yup I do have that book as I simply adore robots!
